Welcome to Vertex Certifications

We are a team of qualified professionals focusing on Audits, Trainings, Inspections & Certifications focusing on  Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety,Information Security, Key Holding, Business Continuity standards.  

Accredited Certification and Audits

ISO certification offers your company multiple benefits, including:

  • Access and confidence to global markets
  • Improved financial performance
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Greater staff satisfaction and motivation
  • Greatly reduced risk
  • Increased credibility and customer confidence

Implementing International Standards ensures that your business benefits from having clear, intelligently structured management systems in place. Our team operate globally, co-ordinating and implementing International Standards to ensure that your business achieves the success you truly deserve. We offer a wide range of certification services to meet all your business requirements. Please contact us today for honest, no obligation advice.

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VertexQC Middle East

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Vertex QC
Sat - Fri, 09:00-18:00

Copyright Vertex Certifications 2018

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